Participation of our civic association in the event for public

Our civic association Friends of New Renato Community Society participated in the event called “Stop Zevling” (Stop Hanging out) on Sunday, September 10, 2014, which was organised by Prague district no. 14.  Our main objective was to introduce our association to citizens of this district where our association has its headquarter, to make us visible through sharing what we do and why. Therefore we prepared a small entertainment show for children and information on our objectives and activities for adults.

Many children and several adults stopped by at our stand in the afternoon when it stopped raining for couple of hours. The children were mainly attracted by 3 competition disciplines because they were awarded by treats once they succeeded in those disciplines – gingerbread with icing sugar in a shape of turtle which is a logo of our association.

Beside a general interest of children, adults showed their interest as well which they proved by buying some of our offered souvenirs. Money from sold souvenirs is then sent out to our mother association in Zambia. This time it was 375 Czech crowns.

The whole event was a great success. We want to thank to all volunteers who chipped in and turn this event in a beautiful event as well as to Prague district no. 14 for organisation of Stop Zevling and for free usage of so needed furniture.

We thank to “all sweet hearts” for glasses!

Thanks to this collection we could send out approximately 25 glasses.

All these glasses were checked by optics visus, to which belongs a big thank, too.

We have also sent out to Zambia:

  • 3 thumbdrives from donators
  • A letter for NRC with instructions how to prolong the life time of donated staff longer
  • 651 USD for a purchase of modem and other current necessities


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