January 7th, 2024


January 3rd, 2024


January 2nd, 2024


December 30th, 2023

Thanks to these partners and donors, the first building of the high school in Kashitu was built. The dream of 3,000 local pupils began to come true.

All the best in the new year when we will build a multifunctional house with local people!

Díky těmto partnerům a dárcům stojí v Kashitu první budova střední školy v Kashitu. Sen 3000 místních žáků se začal stávat skutečností.

Vše dobré v novém roce, kdy s místními lidmi budeme stavět multifunkční dům!

December 29th, 2023

December 23rd, 2023

We have great news from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Zambia! 158 projects sought a grant from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Zambia. Only 3 have received the grant and our partner organization NRCS in Kashitu is one of them! NRCS will receive CZK 500,000 for its project!

The NRCS project aims primarily at the construction of the second building of the secondary school – a multifunctional building.

We are proud to have a partner – a capable NNO in Zambia! And we’re also glad that although we don’t have any paid staff, we could help them win this grant with our assistance!

Congratulations and thanks to the Embassy of the Czech Republic!

According to our calculations, the multi-functional house costs 1,200,000 CZK so far. We want to raise part of the remaining CZK 700,000 in the current Christmas fundraiser, which you can support HERE. Thank you!

More on the results of the grant procedure:

A total of 86 proposals were submitted from Zambia, 30 from Malawi, 42 from Zimbabwe. According to the rules of the grant procedure, the Embassy of the Czech Republic selected 28 proposals from Zambia, 5 from Malawi and 5 from Zimbabwe. The committee of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Czech Development Agency selected 3 projects that will be implemented in 2024.

Source: website of the Czech Embassy in Lusaka

December 22nd, 2023