December 31st, 2015

December 2nd, 2015

Christmas are coming again! And as last year also this time by buying of christmas cards or cards for every occasion, crunchy gingerbread or handmade candle, coloring pexeso or originally handmade fabrics directly from Zambia you can give present to children in Kashitu and support a high school project (more about project here)

Where and when you can find us?

2. advent Sunday ( the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord at square of Jiřího z Poděbrad after mass at 9, 11 and 18 o´clock.
3. advent Sunday (13.11.) after mass at 8:30 at the St. Havel church in Old Town of Prague.
4. advent Sunday ( the church of St. Bartholomew (Prague-Kyje) after mass at 10 o´clock and at 11:30.

October 12th, 2015

We approved the anual report for last year. You can see, what we achieved together with you.

The most important moments are summarized in an introduction:

Year 2014 was for our organization a year, when we could see, how many people want to help our friends in Zambia. People themselves offered us an participation at their events (Expediční kamera) or they organized a social event for us (beneficial concert of a choir from USA).
There was a huge response after publishing an information of coming visit of Vladimír Zikán and his friends to New Renato in the end of April. Without any consciousness of anyone from our community someone made a spontaneous project on facebook which is focused on collecting sun glasses and other presents for „our“ people from Zambia. We recieved more gifts and also guests brought something – handmade coloured fabrics from Kashitu. And enthusiasm..
A great success was a film debut of our member Monika Höferová with a documentary film Bemba: Waiting for Godot, with which our organization is reaching its aim to raise public awarness about a real situation in Zambia´s countryside.
A great success was a participation of our stands at various events in Prague during advent time.

You can see all annual reports here.

September 10th, 2015


June 11th, 2015

On Sunday, May 24 at the Church of the Holy Saviour in Prague 1 Beneficial Concert for Kashitu was held. 86-member choir University of Virginia Singers under the direction of conductor Michael Slon was singing. The choir sang both religious songs (eg. Two Lenten Motets by Pawel Lukaszewski and Ave Maria by Franz Biebl) and secular songs, mainly folk – from different nations (eg. Brisk Lithuanian song Tykus, tykus). But the biggest applause reaped Czech folk songs from Antonin Dvorak and the song Do You Hear the People Sing from the musical Les Miserables.

Gain from the concert is 9,419 CZK. This financial gain will go partly into a fund for purchasing land in Kashitu for the planned construction of college and partly to cover the overhead costs of our organization.

We thank all of you who came and supported our goals! Big Thanks go also to Corps University of Virginia Singers, the parish of St. Saviour and GM Travel!


More photos here…


May 11th, 2015

You are welcome to visit the Benefit Concert for Kashitu. It is 24.5. at 15:30 in the Holy Savior Church in Prague. Come!

April 30th, 2015

The 3 rd charity ball for Kashitu took place on Friday 6 th February 2015 in Prague Archbishop Palace, Hall of Cardinal Beran. The aim of this ball was to gain finances for a new floor in the kindergarten in Kashitu. The Church and Monastery of Our Lady of the Snows in Prague held patronage over this ball, the band Medium played and sang. The atmosphere itself was just fabulous, the Hat of Fortune provided a lot of happiness thanks to our partners. And mainly thanks to our friends in Zambia.

The gain of event was unbelievable 26.700 crowns! We thank to all participants, partners, donors, helpers and to brother Antonín for the unique magic of the Hat of fortune and we are looking forward to seeing you all again next year!