Benefit koncert gain 9 419 Kč!

On Sunday, May 24 at the Church of the Holy Saviour in Prague 1 Beneficial Concert for Kashitu was held. 86-member choir University of Virginia Singers under the direction of conductor Michael Slon was singing. The choir sang both religious songs (eg. Two Lenten Motets by Pawel Lukaszewski and Ave Maria by Franz Biebl) and secular songs, mainly folk – from different nations (eg. Brisk Lithuanian song Tykus, tykus). But the biggest applause reaped Czech folk songs from Antonin Dvorak and the song Do You Hear the People Sing from the musical Les Miserables.

Gain from the concert is 9,419 CZK. This financial gain will go partly into a fund for purchasing land in Kashitu for the planned construction of college and partly to cover the overhead costs of our organization.

We thank all of you who came and supported our goals! Big Thanks go also to Corps University of Virginia Singers, the parish of St. Saviour and GM Travel!


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