Bring Glasses to the Charity Ball!


Do you have glasses in a drawer at home which you don´t use? Bring them to our charity ball! We will put them to an opticians and take them to Kashitu in summer!

The first time when we were collecting glasses, was in 2014. A keen fan of our society and a lover of Africa, Vláďa Zikán and his friends were preparing a journey to some African countries, including Zambia. Anna Krahulcová a her friend Anna Černá immediately without letting us know, enounced an event at facebook „Glasses for African Men, Women and Foppish African Childern, in Other Words: Do Not Allow your Glasses to Idle and Fatten Up“. 24 glasses were collected. They underwent free maintenance in Opticians Visus in Prague 8 – Palmovka and Vláďa handed them to happy Zambians. Whom will we make happy this time?

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